My Transformation
What is Wicca?
The Wiccan Rede

Ritual Tools
Thrifty Witch Tips
Tips for Teens



Here I've included a graphic showing the Theban Alphabet and the corresponding letters. Many witches use the Theban Alphabet even today to write in their Book of Shadows. It's just one further way to protect your privacy. I've also included a diagram of a pentacle, and elements that the different points correspond to.

Note: The graphic below depicts only the correspondence system I use. The element different people attatch to different points varies so wildly that I won't even attempt to put them all up here. Most people agree, however, that Spirit goes on top, mind over matter. Where the remaining four elements go is solely up to you.

Here we have a diagram of the Wheel of the Year. The Celts saw Samhain as the beginning of the year, while other cultures have their new year at different points in the seasons. The most common configuration of the Wheel of the Year puts Yule at the top, because it is the longest night and shortest day of the year, and because it marks the transition from the dark half to the light half of the year - the change of rulership from the Holly King to the Oak King, which changes again at Litha.