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As I said on the previous page, Wicca has no written scriptures. The Law that Wiccans follow is the Wiccan Rede, and any laws that their Tradition or coven has agreed to abide by. There is no set way of celebrating any certain holiday, and indeed it is this variety that appeals to many who are just discovering Wicca. There is no central hierarchy, nobody to tell us that certain things mean this, and we're supposed to do something that way. There are a few points that most Wiccans would agree on, however. And they are:
- We seek to live in harmony with nature. Because we are thinking creatures, we have an added responsibility to our environment.
- We live our lives by the Wiccan Rede "Harm None" fully realizing that that is the ideal, and that the goal is to harm as little as possible.
- We perform rituals to attune ourselves with the natural cycles of Birth, Growth, Death and Rebirth, and the yearly seasonal cycles. These are marked by the Phases of the Moon and the eight Sabbats.
- The only animosity we hold towards any religion is to the extent that they have claimed to have the "only way" and seek to force such ways upon others through fear, suppression, and intimidation.
- We believe in Deity in its polar properties - masculine and feminine - and realize that those properties are all-pervasive throughout the Universe; Deity is omnipresent, not separate and aloof.
- "The Goddess is not greater than the God, nor the God greater than the Goddess, but both are equal, and neither is complete without the other."