My Transformation
What is Wicca?
The Wiccan Rede

Ritual Tools
Thrifty Witch Tips
Tips for Teens



After I wrote the Tips for Teens page, I got to thinking that there was more I could say. Not wanting a page a mile long, I decided to add this page. Here you will find ritual tips specifically for teenagers who have a limited cash flow, have very little time, or are prohibited from burning incense and candles in the house. Again, I won't include any actual spells or rituals, but helpful hints for writing your own personal ceremonies. Please bear with me as this is a work in progress.

For the teen or anyone who lives where circumstances dictate secrecy about one's religion, outside rituals are preferable. I realize the weather may not always be the most cooperative, but if there is a park with pavilions nearby, or simply a sheltered, secluded spot in the woods, you should be able to celebrate the holidays close enough to them to make little difference. Ritual can be said silently during a bus ride, at the lunch table, or simply during a study hall. Ritual tools, of course, should be kept to a minimum in these situations. Perhaps simply using a favorite piece of jewelry as your one and only focus symbol and a flat surface as an altar, is your only alternative. What's in your heart and head is what counts.

"Found objects" will most likely be your mainstay. A stone smoothed by flowing water, a bird's feather fallen to the ground, a smooth stick as a wand - all these are perfectly acceptable as ritual tools, and may even have more power for you than things you could buy at a store. Also, if they were found in nature, they can also be kept in nature. Take a plastic bag along with you and put any items you find in it. Store the bag in a secluded spot where it's unlikely to be disturbed, such as a hollowed out log or tree stump, and conceal the spot with a rock or heavy branches. This way they're less likely to be disturbed by high winds, rain, or animals prowling around. This method is not foolproof, so I wouldn't store any expensive or easily damaged tools out of doors.

One form of magick that can easily be disguised is "knot magick". In summary, knot magick is the working of a ritual or spell by tying knots in a cord, sometimes tying other things into these knots such as beads, feathers, small bells or tassels. These can be worn, burned, buried, or stored in a safe location, depending upon the nature of the working. The most inexpensive and innocuous material for performing knot magick is embroidery floss. You can create beautiful, intricate pieces of jewelry and wear them openly without giving away their secret purpose. Recently popular are "wish bracelets", jewelry worn about the ankle or wrist with colored beads woven into them. They are worn until they fall off - when this happens, the wish is supposedly granted. This basic idea can be adapted for many different purposes. The item need not fall off the wearer to fulfill its purpose. Indeed, if you're weaving a charm of protection you wouldn't want the item to fall off. While there are thousands of different ways to create jewelry from embroidery floss, the easiest is braiding or tying slip knots. I'll not go into the various techniques, but information can be found online and in craft books.